A passion for investing

After 18 years as a financial auditor, management consultant, finance manager, compliance officer and a wealth of other exciting roles and tasks, I have had a detailed inside view of the world of finance, and I have now decided to focus my time on what interests me the most: the world of investing.

Money is not the meaning of life, and money won't make you happy, but some things in life are easier with money. My goal is to live off my investments, my passion, while having sufficient time to enjoy life. In Danish, the name of this site is a play on words, roughly translating as "awesome retirement", which is what I intent to have, while hopefully at the same time teaching the world something about investing at the same time.

Investing is what I do for a living, and the purpose of this site is teaching. This means you will not find any ads, tracking cookies, affiliate links or similar here. When I recommend something it is because I believe it is worth recommending, not because I am paid to recommend it. I truly wish for you to learn something by investing your time at my site...

My methodology - the investment process

My investment philosophy is quite simple. It is based on the fact that most of the financial world is driven by short term targets and generating money from fees with limited focus on the long term. For "career investors", meaning those who make a living by investing other people's money, it is more a game of relative performance and being better than the competition, not about making money. They really don't care if they lose your money, as long as they lose less than their competitors, so they can retain your business and continue generating fees and earning bonuses.

Because of this, there's money to be made by doing something different than the "career investors", something different from what the banks are recommending. It's not about discovering the next Amazon.com or BitCoin, it's about finding what is sufficiently unpopular with the banks and other "career investors", about doing something different than everybody else and investing in what's out of style, even when the price is dropping.

To help me with this, I have developed a series of algorithms which are tracking just under 43,000 listed companies, ETFs, interest rate products and commodities on the public exchanges in 17 countries all over the world, as well as a number of currencies. The algorithms provides me with trade signals based on a proprietary momentum-style asset class rotation model and on top of this I trade an overlay of single-stock based mean-reversion models. I trade both long and short positions and I employ leverage. I invest in the publicly listed assets as well as their financial derivatives.

I have a focused risk management process, and all trades made through my investment process are purely systematic - there are no discretionary decisions, neither when buying nor selling. When a trade is made, the methodology simultaneously provides the criteria and conditions for closing the trade.